According to a press released issued today, the Pittsburg Police Department will join other law enforcement agencies throughout the Midwest to crack down on increased speeding on our streets, county roads and highways. Described in the release as an epidemic, speed increases have seen an increase in the severity of crashes and needless death or serious injuries. Now the PPD, along with other agencies in Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma are cracking down.
Police Chief Mendy Hulvey says beginning September 23rd through September 25th residents can, “Look for tighter speed ticketing windows and be warned that officers will be looking for other violations as well, such as texting, failing to buckle up or driving while impaired. Any death, or even one serious injury, due to speeding is unacceptable in this jurisdiction. Please slow down, put the phone away or turn it off, and always buckle up.”
We agree with Chief Hulvey that all traffic fatalities or injuries are tragic and applaud our police department’s efforts to keep Pittsburg safe!